Han Hae Na is a single high school teacher with a family secret. Due to an ancestor’s fault, Han Hae Na’s family has been cursed for generations. When someone in her family kisses anyone, they turn into a dog at midnight for six hours. Afterwards, they revert back to their normal appearance. This transformation repeats itself every night until that person, in their dog appearance, kisses the same person. Whenever Han Hae Na meets a man for a potential romantic relationship, she asks that person not to kiss her. This usually leads the men to leave her.
Drunk one night, Han Hae Na accidentally kisses Jin Seo Won, a teacher at the same high school, though they aren’t even close as colleagues. Han Hae Na soon panics and persistently approaches Seo Won for a chance at another kiss. However, Jin Seo Won has a fear of dogs.
A Good Day to Be a Dog (Season 1) [Korean]
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Fantasy, Supernatural, Drama
Release Date: 2023
Stars: Cha Eun Woo, Park Gyu Young, Lee Hyun Woo, Yoon Hyun Soo, Ryu Abel, Cho Jin Se
Language: Korean
Episodes: 14 (Complete)
why is downloading now complicated?
how do i download episode 4 when i cant find it?
Upload the next episodes please net9ja!
Ah swear same thing i said omo the thing is been frustrating 🥺😔
Admin pls upload death game
Please oooo eps 14 upload it abge